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  • “This helps me so much.I have faith things will get better. Thank you for your words, they made me feel better. I really believe this is your gift. You’re so good at it.”

    — MJ

  • “It’s crazy because I was telling my boyfriend that there are things that you’ve told me in past reading that has come to fruition. Once the bigger ones is me getting in a new found career!! In that reading you did about 3 months back, it said by the end of the year or early next year this was bound to happen…and here we are! It’s insane how it happened as well. I literally had and interview with this new job and within the hour of getting home I got the call of them offering me the position. I feel goodness covering me in this life. I thank God for you and your special gift.”

    — EB

  • “Omg that’s so true! Thank you. Everything is on point, seriously!!”

    — JS

  • “Initially I was hoping it would be my grandfather, but the person you are totally describing is my aunt. Omg..this month is the anniversary of her passing and my daughter is named after her. Wow! Thank you so much.”

    — MG

  • “OMG girrrrrlll! That def resonates kinda scary.”

    — KH

  • “You are spot on. It’s not a relationship but definitely resonates with me letting go of what was to move forward. I love you so much. Thanx girl. You have the best energy.”

    — MT

  • “So I’m going to be honest with you, I was a little skeptical at first, but omg everything you said hits home!”

    — SH

  • “OH MY GOD!!!!!!! Literally everything you said resonated…it was as if you knew my entire back story! Im seriously in shock, that was scary accurate and it helped sooooooooo much! Thank you SO much for your time! You’re awesome! <3”


  • “Wow. I literally cried. Thank you so much. I can’t even express how grateful I am. I feel relief. You have no idea how much you just helped me. Thank you. Wow…”

    — HG

  • “Omfg … first of all, thank you so much for this !!! It was amazing. I loved your reading and really did feel like it was spot on. You’re definitely ‘on the right track’. Obviously the first card about my ex was 100%. I love my last card because it really hits close to home and relates to what I’ve been working on lately.”

    — CT

  • “Thank you! You were spot on! I’m loving having these readings with you!!”

    — AW

  • “I watched your live from last night and you had done a reading me and basically said about the trust issues. Thank really hit me cause it’s something I HAVE struggled with and still deal with now. BUT, I have started to not have my guard up all the time and being more open to the thought that positive thoughts and leaving it up to the universe will help just attract the right things for me…if that makes any sense. But thank you so much for that. It honestly really made me a believer on readings and such. Also, I really hope you have a good day! <3”

    — RF

  • “Thank you so much for the readings. You have no idea how much you’ve helped me clear my mind. It literally is a guidance for where my life should be going. Everything you said resonated with me 100%. I am so thankful for you and your gift. I feel like I can breathe again. Now is the time to let go and let new beginnings commence. Thank you <3”

    — HD

  • “Don’t question yourself. I asked you if my husband would get a promotion. You pretty much said in the title and not so much the money. Guess who got a new title at work? You got this.”

    — AB

  • “Hey jess! I just wanted to reach out and say thank you so much for your reading. Literally the next day after I asked about starting the Etsy business cause of the financial stuff, my car crapped out. If I invested the money I was going to I wouldn’t have been able to afford the repairs and then today I had a phone interview and got hired on the spot for a job I really enjoy doing. Also possibly found an apartment I can afford for me and my son. Thank you so much for doing what you do!”

    — AH

  • “Jessie, I just wanted to let you knowI got my test results today and they came back clear. Just like you said they would! Thank you so much! <3”

    — CD

  • “I shouldn’t have watched during my lunch break because I just wanna bawl. I’m gonna be honest. 9/10 tarot readers give me good messages, but they barely resonate. Except you. I found you on TikTok and was about to swipe away, but the angel number 222 was on your comments and I got chills when I saw you reading. You’re right, I have been scared…Nobody digs deeper. I just know I needed to find you because I’ve been drowning. I even have the same deck you used for the second spread. Thank you so much for your help.”

    — SR

  • “The ENTIRE reading was insanely accurate! I’m speechless and in SHOCK. It resonates SO MUCH it’s almost a bit scary!!! Thank you so much. I needed all fo that to put my soul at peace. <3 I’m actually blown away. You literally have just made my day so much better. I finally feel at peace knowing it will all be okay in the end. I guess I always felt I was making it a bigger deal than it was. So thank you! I cannot wait to have another reading with you!”

    — JD

  • “Thank you so much. That resonated with me 100%. You described everything I’ve been feeling lately. I’ve never had anyone be that spot on. Thank you, again. <3”

    — RA

  • “You are actually my first in-depth reader that really had everything spot on and I have had a couple readings from you that’s helped me grow so much! I love love love you and so grateful for you as well. It’s so funny because you mentioned Hawaiian dancing in my reading and I actually used to be a Polynesian Dancer and was just dancing for my family the other day. Thank you so much for the clarity and I’ll be sure to listen out for my guides. I can’t wait to see what comes next.”

    — DD

  • “You’re amazing!! That is exactly what I needed. I’m literally crying. Thank you so much you answered everything I needed and so much more. <3”

    — EL

  • “With how spot on and in-depth you were with all you’ve said..I just can’t stop thinking about it and truly feel like it’s a Divine intervention. My soul truly needed this. You have a gift like no other. So many people claim to do tarot, but you are so intuitive and psychic that it takes it to a whole new level and truly helps people. Just wanted to share and remind you how amazing you and your gifts are!”

    — MT

  • “You gave me a reading a few weeks maybe a month ago, I know you might not remember cause I bet tons of people are messaging you. You said I would either get a crappy job and leave or leave my crappy job and find a better one that I’d really like. Well a month ago I got hired somewhere and the minute I started the process I got the worst vibe from the place, I was hired (never even worked) and the lady called me screaming about my availability, upset bc she didn’t realize I was a full time student (it was in my application and we spoke about it during the interview) she called me a bitch and all. I told her I wasn’t interested anymore, put my app in another place, got hired that day, started this week, they’ve been nothing but wonderful to me. I get paid way more and way more perks. So you were pretty spot on! Sorry about the book! I was just excited to tell you.”

    — SP

  • “So you know the “job” you talked about? …and I asked if it was the stuff I was selling and you were like …could be (but in your head saying Girl I said job) haha…. weeeeelllll………….while I was shopping today I was asked to put in and application because they want me to work there again (worked there almost 4 years again and really enjoyed it). The manager even said to my dace that as soon as she saw my application come through the system she would push it through. No interview. And I start Monday!”

    — JP

  • “The day you did my reading for me, I really needed it. I will say thought that I didn’t quite understand what you really meant a few weeks back. A couple days prior of this reading, I had told a past love how ive felt for the last 9 years and what I wanted for the future. I just rewatched the video and OH MY GOODNESS!! This part stood out because I have been healing the last couple weeks and have been more tuned with myself. Thank you for helping me find myself again. “Forgive yourself for loving someone who hurt you.”

    — PM